A: If the water vapour content stays the
same and the temperature drops, the relative humidity increases. If the water vapour
content stays the same and the temperature rises, the relative humidity
decreases. This is because colder air doesn't require as much moisture to
become saturated as warmer air.
Furthermore, the specific humidity does not vary as the
temperature or pressure of a body of air changes, as long as moisture is not
added to or taken away from it. ... The specific humidity of saturated air
(i.e., that in equilibrium with a vapour source, either water or ice) increases
rapidly with increasing temperature. As air temperature increases, air can hold more
water molecules, and its relative humidity decreases. When temperatures drop,
relative humidity
increases. ... Temperature
therefore directly relates to the amount of moisture the atmosphere can hold. Return to FAQ's
Q: Is Temperature directly proportional to
A: Relative humidity is inversely
proportional to temperature. On a clear calm day, relative humidity is high
during the morning hours when temperatures are low and decreases as
temperatures rise during the day.Return to FAQ's